Evaluation/Ratings Assessment 1.0 to 4.5 Evaluation/Rating Assessment - 1 hour (one person only)OSP offers a ratings assessment with one of our coaches with different criteria for each level. Player and coach will run through all parts of the game. The assessment on the court takes about 45 minutes and then a meeting to discuss together strengths, weaknesses, and ways the player can take their game to the next level. Please register below, and you will be contacted by OSP to schedule your evaluation day/time. Cost is $100.00 for members and $120 for guests.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Phone *Please make selectionI would like a player evaluation/ratings assessmentPlease make a selection. I am a memberI am a guestPlease let us know what days/times you are available for the evaluation/assessment.Please indicate method of contact you prefer. TextEmailText/EmailPhone CallSubmit