OFFICE: (401) 786-3329
360 S Pier Rd. Narragansett, RI 02882
Waiver and Release of Liability
In consideration of the risk of the injury that exists while participating in the sporting activities I am attending organized by Ocean State Pickleball, LLS (hereinafter the “Activity’) I hereby WAIVE AND RELEASE AND DISCHARGE any and all claims for damages, death, personal injury, or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me as a result of my participation in this program. This release is intended to discharge in advance Ocean State Pickleball LLC, Kara Biller and officers, agents and employees associated with Ocean State Pickleball LLC from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected with the use of said program. It is understood by my signature below that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is to be binding on my HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, NEXT OF KIN, SPOUSE AND ASSIGNS.
Clear Signature


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